Серебро - Chocolate

Текст песни Серебро - Chocolate

Open the touch, you rip
My heart and all the keys.
Is it not much, oh,
What we’ve moved on?
I’ve got no armor, armor,
Armor, armor and I do not receive.
And you’ve got nice,
The only daughter in Paradise.
I’m gonna keep, I know
I need to get it done.
Five miles deep, oh,
Rushing into your latest Sun.
Tryina keep, keep, keep,
Keep ’cause
I see it through.
Come over me, take my love
I’ve never seen.

My love for you taste like summer, and
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cookie.
Taste like the summer, and chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.
Taste like the summer, and chocolate,
Chocolate, chocolate cookie.
Chocolate, chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.
Chocolate, chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.

Nobody sensed
What we came do the other night.
Drawn in the sea, oh,
Holding your breath before the light.
Shake like never, never,
Never, never been in love.
Under the roads if
We hanging on too long.
Are you a guest?
Or you just don’t wanna try?
Are you a bit tensed, oh,
Let it fly the other sky.
Wait my tempo, tempo,
Tempo, tempo edgy inside.
Slow motion crime,
I want more to get you mine.

My love for you taste like summer, and
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cookie.
Taste like the summer, and chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.
Taste like the summer, and chocolate,
Chocolate, chocolate cookie.
Chocolate, chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.
Chocolate, chocolate,
Chocolate cookie.

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