Дима Билан - Fairy World

Текст песни Дима Билан - Fairy World

Come into my little world
Just like you're falling asleep
To see my sweet dreams to fly so high in the sky
Travel to fairy world

Where noone is to be hurt and noone need to send an S.O.S.

Come close and all dreams will come true
One goes to stars, I wanna hold you tight
Give me a chance tonight, tonight in my Dreamland
Come close and let it last forever

Come into my little world
Trust me, I will be your guide
We should be better to open hearts for the love
Enjoy my fairy world

Everyone treasures their own,
Life can't be useful without love

Come close and all dreams will come true
One goes to stars, I wanna hold you tight
Give me a chance tonight, tonight in my Dreamland
Come close and let it last forever

Come close and all dreams will come true
One goes to stars, I wanna hold you tight
Give me a chance tonight, tonight in my Dreamland
Come close and let it last forever

Come close

Come close

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