Markus Riva (Маркус Рива) - Take me down

Текст песни Markus Riva (Маркус Рива) - Take me down

Tell me how it feels to be gone disappear for days
Tell me how it feels to be high in such a low low place
I walk in the shadows of love I, I, walk in the shadows of love
I’ll tell you how it feels to be caught in your tidalwave

Oooh, I can not ignore
I, can not ignore, I
Oooh, I can not ignore, I

If you gon fall, if you gon break
Darling I’m coming with you
All of your faults, all of your mistakes
Baby, I’ll make em with you
And if your feet do hit the ground,
If you sink and drown take me down, take me down

Down into the depths of your mind
Where the monsters lay
Let me meet the demons inside
They don’t have to hide

I walk in the shadows of love I, I,
Forever be your shadow of love
I’ll hold you through the dark
Of the night til you turn on the light

Oooh, I can not ignore
I, can not ignore, I
Oooh, I can not ignore, I

If you gon fall, if you gon break
Darling I’m coming with you
All of your faults, all of your mistakes
Baby, I’ll make em with you
And if your feet do hit the ground,
If you sink and drown take me down, take me down

If we go up in flames I wont feel a thing
Your love just numbs the pain
Your love just numbs the pain

That’s shooting up my veins
My heartbeat starts to fade
Next to you I’ll stay even if it kills me

Oooh, I can not ignore
I, can not ignore, I
Oooh, I can not ignore, I

If you gon fall, if you gon break
Darling I’m coming with you
All of your faults, all of your mistakes
Baby, I’ll make em with you
And if your feet do hit the ground,
If you sink and drown take me down, take me down

О песне «Take me down»

Авторы музыки и слов - Markus Riva.
Режиссер - Alan Badoev.

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