Дима Билан - Number One Fan

Текст песни Дима Билан - Number One Fan

They call me Dima Bilan...
They call me Dima Bilan...

Love at first sight
I've been watching you all night
What I gotta do for you
May be not bad
Cause that way you dance
Makes me want your autograph
Oh... you're so fine
I just wanna make you mine

Baby you should go with me
Cause I can be the one you need
And there's something 'bout the way you are
You're my superstar

I'm your number one fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
Lady said I'm your number on fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
I'll be your number one fan

Oh... She's sexy as she wanna be
You know what I want
They call me Dima Bilan
Ready for some action
We can make it happy
I need your love
You're what just can't get enough

Baby you should go with me
I can be the one you need
And there's something 'bout the way you are
You're my superstar

I'm your number one fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
Lady said I'm your number on fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
I'll be your number one fan

They call me Dima Bilan...
They call me Dima Bilan...
They call me Dima Bilan...
They call me Dima Bilan...

Baby you should go with me
Cause I can be the one you need
And there's something 'bout the way you are...
You're my superstar

I'm your number one fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
Lady said I'm your number on fan
Baby, I'm your number one fan
I'll be your number one fan

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